Crop Transition Conference

Crowne Plaza Hotel 3 Appletree Square, Bloomington, MN, United States

The United Potato Growers of America's Crop Transition Conference is an essential event for potato growers, focusing on the transition between crop seasons. The conference covers market supply and demand trends and forecasts for North America. Attendees include growers, industry experts, and other industry experts who share insights and discuss strategies to ensure a smooth […]

Fête de la récolte des pommes de terre

Célébrez la récolte annuelle de pommes de terre avec des activités amusantes, de la musique live et de délicieux plats de pommes de terre. Un bel événement pour toute la famille !



Capital Equipment is a company providing equipment for washing, polishing, sorting and packaging many types of fruits and vegetables. Our machines are designed for potatoes, carrots and onions. In addition, we are distributor of agricultural machinery of world recognized brands for agricultural harvesting.